Are you thinking enough about
how to get out of the box?

E-mail marketing campaign text

E-mail marketing campaign text


Your first post

This page includes examples of email marketing campaign texts

for a company that developed a program to help

Small and Medium Sized businesses create digital marketing campaigns.


Subject: Time to find more customers


Subhead: Create your first social post


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


Social media is a great way to promote your business. 


So, it’s time to spend a few minutes dedicated to creating awareness and getting leads for more customers.


Click the link below to get started with your first social media post.


<insert link> Let’s make a post


Happy marketing!


- The 12Handz Team





Send your first email campaign


Subject: Engage with your customers


Subhead: Send your first email campaign


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


Email marketing helps to nurture relationships and get your customers to love you (not leave you). 


It gives you the chance to:


  • Provide valuable information to educate
  • Ask for feedback
  • Add motivation to make sales


Your emails provide the opportunity to build bonds that will ultimately build your business.


Click the link below to get started with your first email campaign.


<insert link> Let’s start an email campaign


Hope you enjoyed this email,


- The 12Handz Team




Connect to payment gateway


Subject: Time to get paid


Subhead: Connect your payment gateway


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


You need to get paid (which means making money, not just doing marketing).


That means connecting your payment gateway. It’s easy to add options.


Click the link below to connect your payment gateway.


<insert link> Connect my payment gateway.


Happy moneymaking!


- The 12Handz Team




Publish your first blog post


Create a logo


Subject: Make your mark


Subhead: Create a logo for your brand


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


A logo defines your brand. It’s an easy way for people to remember who you are and what you do.


Using a logo on your marketing creates consistency and helps to build trust. 


Click the link below to create a logo.


<insert link> Let’s make my logo.


Can’t wait to see the design!


- The 12Handz Team




Long Term Wins


Google Ads


Subject: Get more customers


Subhead: Use Google Ads – we’ll make it easy


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


Get more exposure and drive traffic to your website by using our Google Ads DIY tool. If you always thought it would be too complicated – then think again. We’ve made it simple and straightforward.


Start converting potential customers into paying customers by clicking on the link below.


<insert link> Try Google Ads DIY


Here’s to easy breezy marketing. Cheers!


- The 12Handz Team






Subject: Get more people to see your website.


Subhead: Here’s how we can help you with SEO


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


Having a website is great – it’s like your virtual storefront. But now people need to be able to find it.


That’s where SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) comes in. 


If SEO is new to you, we’re here to help. Get your website seen by the people who really need to see it (you know, like potential customers).


Find out how by clicking on the link below to speak with a marketing expert.


<insert link> Get help with SEO


Let’s get your business out there!


- The 12Handz Team



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