My name is Albert Robinson, and I am a journalist and marketing writer based in Israel. Whether it's a blog, a brochure, a newsletter, a web site, press release, social media text or any other marketing writing material, I provide a fast and comprehensive service.
I specialize in marketing writing for high-tech firms with an SEO emphasis.


Please feel free to use these news blog articles on your site. Just make sure to add the courtesy line: By Albert Robinson,

As examiners everywhere know, dealing with a backlog of lawfully seized digital devices in the search for key evidence is a critical challenge. With devices stuck in backlog storage, key data can’t be accessed and the path to justice is lengthened indefinitely.

This page includes examples of Landing Page texts and FAQs

for a company that produced a digital marketing service program

aimed at Small and Medium Sized Businesses.

It explains how the Analyser program examines

a business's online presence. 


Analyser Landing Page

Hero: How Effective Is Your Online Presence?

Subtitle: Give our analyser 30 seconds and it will tell you exactly what needs improving and how to do it.


The public often perceives crimes as on the rise even when the figures do not always confirm this.

The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty for many law enforcement agencies, with police departments across the United States, and many other countries, struggling to keep up with surging crime rates.

Given the digital world we live in, and specifically the extensive uploading of posts, photos, and videos to social media channels, law enforcement has an interest in leveraging them to find information that can help investigations.


Your first post

This page includes examples of email marketing campaign texts

for a company that developed a program to help

Small and Medium Sized businesses create digital marketing campaigns.


Subject: Time to find more customers


Subhead: Create your first social post


Hi <insert name personalisation>,


Social media is a great way to promote your business. 

Cryptocurrency is becoming an ever-larger part of the global financial system. As more individuals and organizations use cryptocurrencies and crypto adoption rises, the opportunities for bad actors to abuse this new technology also increase.

In a quickly changing world, corporations must have the latest information about the trends affecting eDiscovery and Corporate Investigations. This is critical in order to provide important insights that can protect their business and employees from internal and external threats.

As all writers know, the intricacies of language are critical in enabling us to describe a certain situation. We are continuously on the lookout for new ways to express ourselves and bring maximum clarity with minimum wordage. The search for synonyms is vital to allow us to create what we believe to be sharply written articles that bring new information to the reader while taking up as little of his or her time as possible.

As a dynamic multi-national business, the diamond trade is reliant on its own language – the so-called 4Cs of cut, clarity, color and carat. Wherever you travel in the diamond trade from Israel to Belgium and from New York to Hong Kong and many other places in between, you hear traders calling out to each other with specific requests.

In the past five years or so, it has become fashionable to talk about "Tipping Points". In his book, The Tipping Point: how little things can make a big difference, author Malcolm Gladwell defines a tipping point as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point". It is, he argues, the point at which a virus reaches critical mass. Just as an infectious disease can spread from a single person to tens and hundreds and even thousands of others, so change of all sorts can also be seen as an epidemic.

Make sure your web site gives you an edge and that your marketing materials concisely tell customers who you are, what you do, and the solutions you can provide.

Copyright ©. Albert Robinson